Coming Soon

For any Chebeaguer who dreams of being able to work remotely on the island, we have great news!


Free Remote Work Wing

The Chebeague Island Library is thrilled to have just received a $100,000 grant to
specifically create a remote workspace.

The generous funding is coming from the Maine
State Library’s Remote Work Through Libraries program, in partnership with the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development and is funded by the American
Rescue Plan Act.

Free Remote Work Wing


Three-Year Project Outline

Following community surveys, testimonials highlighting the community's needs for this free offering, a comprehensive assessment of community needs, and three feedback sessions, we have established a foundational design and functionality outline.

  • Building open beyond library hours.

    6-digit access codes for early or late workers.

  • Printing facilities available

  • We are planning to offer a scheduling system for booking rooms at specific times

  • Currently we have drafted an RFP for 700 sq feet with tables and amenities, and have foundational architectural drawings

  • We currently have two carrels, one large table in public area; as well as an outdoor patio space available during regular library hours.

For more information regard funding visit